Monday, September 10, 2012

Terraria PvP - Day 1: Capture The Gem!

Terraria PvP - Day 1: Capture The Gem! Video Clips. Duration : 22.78 Mins.

The first day of our 30 day Terraria marathon 'o' doom! Some days are more than likely to have more than one video released as we aren't going to upload each days recordings into one video as that would be boring as heck. Anyways, enjoy! Make sure you've joined our Steam groups! Main Group: PvP Games: Livestream: Instructions to join our Mumble server: 1. Download Mumble for free here: 2. Go through the microphone wizard so we can hear you. 3. Navigate to "connect" and then enter these details: Label: OdysseyGamez (doesn't matter, but easy for reference). IP: Port: 3812 4. Once you've connected to the server, click all of the C's to read the comments. 5. Join a channel and start talking to us/the community! If you've got a lot of background noise/a bad mic, then put push-to-talk on. We'll let you know how your mic is, but if you don't change your settings then you'll get MUTED!


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